Letter to the Editor: Compliments to Bank Midwest and Redmond

Letter to the Editor: Compliments to Bank Midwest and Redmond

On behalf of all area veterans, I would like to express our thanks to the Bank Midwest team.

Since their purchase of the former VFW building, they have gone out of their way to work with us. The latest example is the beautiful bronze plaque that honors all veterans on the monument behind the flag poles at their new building. This monument and the poles themselves were installed at the suggestion of the bank’s team.

They even came up with the idea of saving bricks from our old building and incorporating them into the new structure. It is a beautiful and permanent memorial and we deeply appreciate it.

Both the bank personnel and their contractor, The Redmond Company, have gone out of their way to be helpful to us in every way possible, and we wish them well in their new building.

Veryl Champine
VFW Post 1222 Adjutant

Note from The Redmond Company: Bank Midwest purchased the VFW post for their new branch in Fairmont, Minnesota.