Mouse Motors / McLaren Chicago

Mouse Motors / McLaren Chicago

Mouse Motors approached The Redmond Company seeking to unite their sales and service operations in a single location—one that would showcase their luxury vehicles and deliver an elevated, personalized buying experience. This partnership was formed following a referral from another luxury brand client and after initial discussions, it was recognized that our comprehensive services, from brokerage through construction, aligned perfectly with Mouse Motors’ needs and vision.

Designing the 40,000-sf facility leveraged our team’s experience to overcome challenges. During the design phase the team navigated ordinance height restrictions, broke the mold of a typical dealership design by creating a smaller-scale environment that will present a more personalized approach to vehicle sales, and incorporated flexibility for future structural adaptations. Drawing inspiration from other McLaren facilities, our design team developed a distinctive box-like structure with a front-facing exterior that deviates from the standard grid format. The exterior walls feature a wave-like asymmetry that reduces visual scale and creates dynamic viewing angles. Expansive glass on the façade maximizes natural light, dramatically showcasing the luxury vehicles while enhancing security at night.

Throughout the design phase, The Redmond Company provided detailed renderings and 3D walk-throughs, helping the client visualize their space and make informed decisions. By integrating cost updates with each design concept, we efficiently identified and redirected from less viable approaches, consistently moving toward solutions that better aligned with the client’s vision and budget boundaries.

A significant challenge involved designing within the local 30-foot height restriction while accommodating a two-story open showroom with a second-story inventory space above the service department. Our team coordinated intensively between structural and mechanical requirements to meet all necessary clearances. We evaluated multiple structural systems with careful attention to cost factors and height limitations, while strategically positioning rooftop HVAC units and integrating large duct systems throughout the building.

The Redmond Company’s expertise in automotive construction and customer-centric retail design lends credibility to our solutions, providing Mouse Motors with confidence in our development of their vision. We are excited to have moved into the construction phase of this project and look forward to bringing this uniquely designed McLaren facility to Hinsdale, IL in 2026.

View the construction in progress via our on-site webcam.

View the design video via Redmond’s YouTube channel. Mouse Motors-McLaren