Due Diligence

After a full review of your target markets, locations and sites, you have found the optimal site for your organization! Congratulations!  But before you pull out the checkbook and sign on the dotted line, the real estate experts at The Redmond Company strongly encourage the completion of our meticulous Due Diligence Process on the site.


Our past experience has enabled us to craft a carefully defined Due Diligence Process which provides our clients with a sense of security prior to taking the site purchase plunge.


One of the key services Redmond provides is due diligence which includes land use approvals and permits from local and state regulatory agencies.  These complex and detail processes require careful preparation, discretion, and experience.  The Redmond team had decades of experience acquiring government approvals for a wide range of clients with a wide range of project sizes across all classes of real estate.


With Redmond leading these activities, the approval process is quicker and less expensive than using in-house employees or having an attorney conduct the approval process.  In addition, our advanced approach tends to generate less controversy and fewer arduous conditions of approval.  This allows you to focus on your business rather than attending numerous meetings with municipal officials.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can you lease us through site acquisition?

Experience Counts

  • Redmond has, for our clients and for our own portfolio, procured real estate, designed and built facilities with a total value exceeding a billion dollars.
  • Built or constructed more than 5 million square feet of commercial property.
  • Owned and managed over 1 million square feet of commercial and retail property.
  • Completed over 500 real estate studies.
  • 30-40% of properties we have purchased were not listed for sale.

Trust the Experts

With more than 47 years in the industry, we’re confident we can provide you with the most comprehensive consulting and real estate solutions for your company’s needs.


Redmond has developed more than 3 million square feet of commercial property and completed more than 900 financial facilities and more than 100 automotive projects throughout the country.